Layers of muscle in the back
A visual reminder of all those layers of muscle in the back. When you come for your Alexander Technique lesson you may notice that I like...

Reading Dr Gabor Maté could save your life....
Apologies for not posting in a while, I am deep into my nutritional therapy and homeopathy studies. I'm currently working on and writing...

Have you got nerd neck, text claw or iPosture?
All these names - for new afflictions caused by using technology without paying attention to what we are doing with our bodies - would be...

Vogue: "Can better posture lead to a better life?"
An article entitled “can better posture lead to a better life?” appeared in Vogue magazine this week. Pilates gets a mention – doesn’t it...

Looking for homeopathy and nutrition volunteers
Hello and Happy New Year! Apologies for not updating the blog in a while, it’s been busy… The Alexander studio continues to be open and...

Are you sitting comfortably?
In my training as a nutritional therapist, I have joined Cytoplan, a supplier of food-state supplements. Cytoplan do a great series of...

Only human after all....
This afternoon I met up with friend, fellow AT teacher and manager of the Pimlico Centre for the Alexander Technique, Susanna. We talked...

Want a graceful, naturally upright posture that’s easy to maintain?
Postural muscle vs movement muscle There's a plethora of weird and wonderful devices on the market to correct posture, from straps to...

Are you in "fight / flight" or "rest / digest" right now?
As some of you may know, I’ve been studying towards a dual Diploma in nutrition and homeopathy during lockdown. Both subjects are...

7 Principles
Just reading back over the last blog post, I’m aware that it went out to a number of new clients as well as established clients. Some of...