Noël Coward, IKEA stools and "The Golden Point"
As you will have guessed Alexander Technique teachers have been forbidden from working hands-on during Tier 4 and this current lockdown....

New Testimonial, and an interesting detail
A short update today, just a couple of things.... Firstly, thank you so much to my long-term client Andrew for writing such an...

Self-Care.....and the Chair
Hello everyone, it's September, the kids are back in school and the AT studio is open. I am keen to get back to work and have been...

Some book recommendations
So I've been revisiting some Alexander Technique books during lockdown; here's a couple I'd recommend to anyone wanting to do a spot of...

Helping Yourself
Hello I hope you and your friends and family are all well. Knowing my clients, I am sure you are all finding your own creative ways...

February & March 2020 Special Offer!
Dear Clients “If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you always got” - Tony Robbins Do you know someone who has had backache,...

Principle 6: Direction
Direction is the next of the 7 key principles of the Alexander Technique. To my mind it is one of the main tools we have in the...

Principle 5: Inhibition
So we continue our series on the principles of Alexander’s technique. If you missed my posts on the first 4 principles of the Technique...

Anatomical Drawings...and a book amnesty!
I recently invested in a new anatomy book by John Hull Grundy. The book is called Human Structure and Shape and the anatomical drawings...

Principle 4: Faulty Sensory Perception
First post since the summer, holidays and return to school seem to have got in the way.... OK so we're up to Principle 4 of the 7 key...