Principle 3: Primary Control
If you’ve been coming to me for Alexander technique lessons long enough you are sure to have heard me bang on about “letting the neck be...

Principle 2: The Whole Self
The Whole Self …or “Psycho-physical unity” in Alexander speak. The second of the principles of Alexander’s Technique is about how the...

7 Key Principles
I thought I’d use the blog to go over the 7 principles of Alexander’s Technique. Many of you will have heard me address these principles...

Mindfulness for the Frazzled
I picked up a copy of Ruby Wax's "Mindfulness for the Frazzled" for 50p in the Southfields Library book sale (which seems to be on...

What links FM Alexander to Jim Morrison?
So, here's a bit of a fun post. What is the link between Frederick Matthias Alexander, founder of the Alexander Technique, to Jim...

A few moments of hands-on work...
Back to work after a few days holiday with my family in beautiful Portugal (thanks Dad, top villa!). I am reminded within moments of...

Hypermobility and the Alexander Technique
I have come across at least 2 people with some degree of hypermobility in my time as an Alexander Technique teacher. When I first...

Running Light
So running is once again on my mind having run the Kingston Spring Race this morning. I originally planned to run 16 miles, but in the...

Thanks to Christelle for New Testimonial!
Many thanks to my lovely client Christelle who has been coming for lessons for over a year now. Christelle has written a great...

Why GPs should be prescribing the Alexander Technique
Dr Miriam Wohl (pictured), in an article in the British Association of Sports & Exercise Medicine magazine, looks at this very issue:...