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Self-Care.....and the Chair

Hello everyone, it's September, the kids are back in school and the AT studio is open. I am keen to get back to work and have been contacting many of you regarding booking appointments. The Alexander Technique is all about self-care, about learning how to look after yourself now and in the future. One of the key principles of the Technique is the unity of mind and body; in other words how one functions constantly affects the other. I know I personally have found lockdown and social distancing very hard. It is worth remembering that a body that is freer, more co-ordinated and connected to the ground will help a mind that perhaps is not at its calmest. I certainly have found this. So if you haven't already please do consider returning to lessons, they are an investment in your health and yourself, mind and body.

There have also been a couple of articles worth reading online and in the press recently: published this article by performer John Tate entitled "Tips for actors to connect with their body" in August, the Alexander Technique being at the very top of the list.

Not about the Technique as such but very relevant was a Guardian "long read" article called "The Tyranny of Chairs: Why we need better design" . It talks about how not only chairs but other objects designed to assist humans are really not very good for us. Well worth a read.

Look forward to seeing you all soon


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